Marianne Cope was a professed member of the Sisters of St. Francis And is recognized as an extraordinary woman of the 1800's and early 1900's. Her call to act as a servant of god and the Franciscan spirit she embraced, provided a foundation of values that gave her the courage and compassion to accept difficult challenges with diplomacy and grace.
The Mother Marianne Cope fraternity on Oahu conducts a Friday prayer meeting each week on zoom. It offers us a chance to get together between our monthly meetings and brings us all joy. We pray the Angelus, The Liturgy of the Hours, The Friday Gospel, The Memorare, and the St. Francis Prayer. It's been a great way for us to connect in brotherhood and peace...
The Mother Marianne Cope Fraternity on Oahu has been collecting socks of various sizes and colors for both adults and children. These will be for distribution at one of our members' food pantries at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Pearl City to those in need. So far, we've collected a few hundred pairs and this service project for the community is still continuing. At our monthly meeting on October 19th, we brought in several more pairs and here we are! It's been a while since we've been able to meet in person, so this gathering was a special time for us.
Socorro Deguzman, a parishioner at St. Jude Church in Kapolei involved in many ministries, says that a passage in which God offers a reminder to “grow and bloom where I am transplanted” provided comfort as she prepared to move to the United States. (Courtesy Catholic Stewardship Consultants)
By Catholic Stewardship Consultants
Each one of us is called to be a disciple of Christ. However, to be a disciple we must build a relationship with Christ. As one focuses on this relationship, the practice of stewardship naturally follows.
St. Teresa of Avila remarked, “Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.”
Surrendered in service is parishioner Socorro Deguzman of St. Jude Church in Kapolei. Deguzman serves on the parish Pastoral Council as well as the Diocesan Stewardship Commission. She is also a member of the Legion of Mary and would do anything for Jesus and Mary.
Raised in the Philippines by her grandmother, Deguzman learned to pray the rosary and to seek St. Joseph, Mary and Jesus’ intercessions in times of healing or when she needed help. Her grandmother’s example was an inspiration to Deguzman’s own leadership and passion for stewardship.
“In 2019, a group of St. Jude parishioners attended the Diocesan Stewardship Conference Day led by Mark Clark,” Deguzman says. “I found out that there was nobody representing the Leeward-area vicariate for quite a while. I was disappointed, so I volunteered for the vacant position. Bishop Larry Silva approved and since then I have represented the Leeward Vicariate on the Diocesan Stewardship Commission.”
Deguzman is an active parishioner at St. Jude and serves the parish as a lector and extraordinary minister of holy Communion, and also teaches CCD classes.
When Father Khanh Hoang was pastor at St. Jude, he invited Deguzman to serve on the Pastoral Council and she has continued ever since, feeling closer to Christ through her involvement.
“We strive to grow closer to Christ as we serve one another in all our ministries in the parish,” Deguzman says. “However, we can see that there is so much more we can do to bring others to Christ. But I think God wants us first to grow closer to him. Then we can bring others to love God as well.”
When Deguzman was growing up in the Philippines, she was actively involved in the international Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement, where she built relationships and strived to grow in her faith.
This experience inspired her to extend an invitation to others at St. Jude to serve the various ministries with the gifts the Lord has given them.
“There will come a time in each person’s life when they hunger for the meaning of their life — a spiritual hunger longing for peace, love, purpose, friendship, togetherness,” Deguzman says. “That is why parishes need to offer retreats for the youth, young adults, parents and other support groups where community can gather together and make friends and connections. Then, hopefully, all will be interested in supporting the needs of the parish.”
As a retired schoolteacher, Deguzman leads as a cheerleader for others’ success and makes it her responsibility that her team meets all expectations.
“I believe that whatever title, position or state in life I am, I give my whole attention, focus, time and effort to it,” Deguzman says. “So, being a parishioner of St. Jude Church, I put all my time, talent and treasure to make my church beautiful for God. That is my way of life.”
Deguzman is committed to living out the Gospel as a secular Franciscan, through the example and words of St. Francis. Her promise to be faithful and consecrate herself to the service of God contributes to the way she carries out the mission of stewardship in her life.
“I grew up with it embedded in my mind that God created me, as the Bible says, with a purpose,” Deguzman says. “God has given me so many blessings that it is not for me alone but to share with all his creation as a sign of my gratitude and thanksgiving.
“I remember a passage before moving to America, as I was sad about leaving behind my comfort zone, where God continually reminds me to ‘grow and bloom where I am transplanted.’ That is why I am trying my best every day to live the rest of my life in thanksgiving to God.”
Our fraternity meets on the first Saturday, 9:00-11:30 AM at the Kamiano Center. We have 10 professed members and 1 candidate. Our meetings and formation are conducted in the Korean Language.
For information about this Fraternity, please contact Jim Doyle at 646-221-8585, or email to, with "Secular Franciscan Order" in the subject line. You may also contact the Minister
봉사자, 성정숙 벨라뎃다 (Bernadette Sung) at 808 291 0947
St. Clare Fraternity (성녀 글라라 형제회)
Minister List (봉사자 명단)
봉사자 (Minister) 성정숙 벨라뎃다 (Bernadette Sung) 808 291 0947
부봉사자 (Vice Minister) 이은재 마리아 (Maria Lee)
서기 (Secretary) 성현숙 마리아 (Maria Sung)
회계 (Treasurer) 김희숙 글라라 (Clare Kim)
양성책임자 (Formation Minister) 서베네딕다 (Benedicta Suh)
영적 보조자(Spiritual Advisor) Fr. Mike Dalton OFM Cap
Korean Catholic Community celebrates 50 years in Hawaii. Three members of the St. Clare Korean Fraternity welcomes one new candidate and two new professed.
In early October 2024, a two-day ceremony was held at the St. Andrew Kim Taegon Oratory in Honolulu to celebrate 50 years that the Korean Community has been in Hawaii. Many guests and dignitaries were invited and over two hundred were in attendance. Bishop Larry Silva of the Honolulu Diocese and Korean Bishop Stephanus Han were the main presiders. Journeying to Hawaii from Korea were Bishop Han and four other priests.
A brand-new altar was consecrated at the event. It was designed and made in Korea, and St Kim Dae-Kun Andrew's relic is shown on the front, and a stained-glass type of the Cross was put on the top surface of the altar.
On November 9, 2024, the St. Clare Fraternity held a profession and welcome ceremony.
Christina Kim and Veronica Kim were professed and made promises to lead the Gospel life of the Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) and made a lifelong commitment to live the Gospel in the Spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
Candidate Jemma Kim became a candidate and was welcomed into the order, now she looks forward to the day she too will become a professed member of the order.
The St. Clare Franciscan Fraternity’s members are primarily made up of Korean speaking members. Presiding over the ceremony was the Region Spiritual Assistant for the Ohana O Ke Anuenue Region (Guam and Hawaii) Fr. Mike Dalton, OFM CAPUCHIN.
Secular Franciscan Order of Hawaii & Guam