‘E Komo Mai!
Welcome to our Maui Fraternity,
Maria ‘O Maluhia (which means “Our Lady of Peace” in Hawaiian.)
We usually meet on the third Saturday of the month at 1:00 pm. We gather at either Maria Lanakila Church in Lahaina, or at Christ the King Church in Kahului.
For visiting, or new members who wish to attend a gathering,
please call Toni Rodrigues at (808) 264-9392 or email rodrigues@hawaii.rr.com
to confirm date and location.
If you’ve been inspired by the lives of Saints Francis and Clare, or St. Marianne Cope and you’d like to learn more about living the Gospel in your daily life, we would love to meet you!
Our officers are:
Formation Director and Minister: Toni Rodrigues, OFS
Treasurer: Virginia Keen, OFS
Secretary: Anne Herrick, OFS
Spiritual Assistant: St. Angie Laurenzo, CSJ
Secular Franciscan Order of Hawaii & Guam